Where does our time fly? What do we spend time on? Why do we have only 24 hours in a day…? Why do some events last forever and others rush by us in a blink? We ask these questions from time to time, but it does not seem easy to get the answers.
Time is an irretrievable asset!
Time is an extremely valuable resource in our life. However, do we always realize its pricelessness? What does it take to spend time effectively, making it the most beneficial for ourselves and for the rest of the world? There are plenty of so-called “time-management” systems, allowing us to resolve this task.
Yoga encourages us to start with defining our aims on which we are going to spend our time.
By identifying short-, medium- and long-term objectives, we can clearly see the image of our desirable future. We can record our goals on paper and place it in such a way that it always remains in front of our eyes.
Being mindful about our objectives will make every second of our life more conscious!
“An average person is concerned about how to kill the time, a talented person seeks to use its maximum”. Schopenhauer А.
After we identify our long-term objectives, we can use the following method: make plans for every day to meet our goal and review it at the end of the day. By analyzing our time management, we will be able to understand how to stop wasting our time.
We can utilize modern technology by downloading various reminder applications. Consequently, we can ease our concentration from the necessity to keep track of time by letting the program do the job.
By cutting excessive activity of our mind, we shall direct all its resources to solving tasks faster and more effectively.
Yoga encourages us to follow two main principles when we do time-management among other things. We aim to be kind and effective.
We mentioned these principles in our previous articles many times. The second principle gives guidance regarding spending our time:
“It is not worth wasting time and effort on actions which do not lead us to our goals; anything misleading us from our goals should be rejected without remorse.”
It is worth mentioning the honesty with ourselves, when we assess our abilities and make plans. We should be realistic, do not set impossible tasks for ourselves so that we do not undermine our self-confidence. The best strategy is if you planned something – get it done. If you have a simple goal, and you achieve it, you become reassured in your willpower and can move on to more difficult tasks.
It is also worth noting that non-observance of the principle of kindness to all living beings will result in wasting our energy and consciousness and distract us from our goals. Consequently, it will reduce the efficiency of such an irreversible resource as time.
One ought to bear in mind that human potential is unlimited.
After all, we should remember about the principle of harmony in Yoga. Harmony in Yoga is achieved by the triple feeling of joy: it is joy from the process of doing, joy from overcoming ourselves and joy from relaxation. Relaxation is an important part of yoga and of life as a whole. We should allow ourselves to have some space for relaxation and creativity. We should be kind not only to others, but also to ourselves!
“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep” Homer
Harmonious observance of two yoga principles will allow us to use our time effectively and enjoy it!
No matter how much we would like to prolong happy moments of our life and to lessen sad ones, we have to learn to be mindful of every moment and remember that time flies fast. It is within our control to use this resource effectively, adding to the good in our world!
Wishing you peace and welfare!
Author: Mirra
Editors: Kerigona, Мariya Sarasvati-Bhavani
Project curator: Kerigona
Translators: Teya Sweet, Alexander OpenYoga
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