In the previous article, “The effectiveness of studying yoga in a group”, we covered such topics as studying yoga among like-minded people and the criteria for choosing a yoga school. In this article we will look in detail at the learning process at the OpenYoga School – International OpenYoga University (IOYU).
OpenYoga is a classical yoga based on ancient and respected treatises such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and others related to Vedic knowledge. At the same time, Open Yoga equally adopted the self-sustaining education system of the West. As a result, IOYU graduates become a kind of “cultural bridge” between ancient traditions and modern life: they are well-versed in the ancient knowledge of yoga that dates back thousands of years, but at the same time they lead a modern lifestyle and know how to use advanced technologies.
Why is yoga Open?
The word “open” was used in the name as opposed to closed systems. Its essence is that all the initial data of the system are open, there is no hidden agenda, i.e. there is no such knowledge that would be available only to the initiated. If we practice yoga, we have the right to know how it works in its entireness, the way it has been preserved to this day. But at the same time, yoga encourages us to rediscover the knowledge that has been lost. When questions arise within us about the theory and practice of yoga, we should be willing to receive this knowledge and consistently studying it, at first trusting this knowledge and then testing and confirming what we have learned in our own practice.
What are the ethical boundaries at IOYU?
IOYU‘s activity is limited to certain moral and ethical principles that are the cornerstones of yoga:
The first principle is the principle of Kindness that states to not cause harm to any living being unless it is necessary. If there is no possibility to avoid causing harm, then we must follow our duty.
The second principle is the principle of Efficiency, that is the principle of common sense, not wasting our time and vitality on deeds and actions that lead away from our goals in any area of life.
The third principle is the principle of helping all sentient beings to renounce suffering, if they express it, and if we are able to help, and at the same time liberating ourselves from suffering.
How long does the training course last in IOYU?
Experience proves that it takes at least four years to train a teacher, which equals to 208 weeks. At the end of four years of study, the students receive an American style graduation diploma. The program intensity is reasonable: there are on average 3-5 classes per week in the evening and on the weekends. You can study full-time or part-time, which is suitable for young mothers and residents of other cities. The coursework is divided into two parts: 130 weeks to become an instructor and 78 weeks to qualify as a teacher. However, every graduate can confirm that this timespan passes quickly, especially when the practice of teaching starts.
What is the structure of the studies in IOYU?
For two years, students study the basic theory: Yoga of Studying, main types of yoga, history of yoga and ancient sources of yoga. Further, the axiomatics of yoga is studied – which consists of basic, fundamental principles called axioms – on which the whole philosophy of yoga is based and from which all methods and exercises of yoga are derived. At the same time, students attend as many practical classes, lectures, and seminars as possible to be imbued with yoga. Later they study the process of teaching and lecturing. During their studies, the students must pass 9 qualifying exams.
In addition to core studies to become a yoga teacher in IOYU, there are a number of related projects that allow you to demonstrate and develop your skills in various fields, for example: English, journalism, IT-technologies, public relations and advertising, creating and running your own business, social networking, traveling to India and a lot more.
How to assess the degree of professionalism of IYOU graduates?
In IOYU, there is a fundamental rule: we don’t study for the sake of a diploma! We must serve other living beings. There is one criterion of professionalism – whether people come to our classes, and, accordingly, if they pay us money or not. Therefore, during the studies, the emphasis is not only on teaching, but also on advertising and public relations – how to tell the world about ourselves and our classes so that people come to us and we can earn a decent living. Calling for people to attend our classes without violating the three principles of yoga is a part of our profession.
How intensive is the studying process?
In IOYU the studying process is very strict. Outwardly, it may look like a mess: in a room you might see children crawl, and next to them students pass exams, and someone is conducting a practical class at the same time. All of this represents life itself. Life happens at the same time in the child’s room, where the toys are scattered, and when we pass serious exams. And in IOYU there is no more severe examiner than a recent graduate who has just left the students’ shoes. The studying requirements are high. But such a system was developed over an extensive experience and is aimed only at an effective education of each student in order to achieve the IOYU’s main goal – not to let the knowledge of yoga disappear!
What innovations are introduced in IOYU?
At IOYU, there is a saying: whatever you study, think right away how you will transfer this knowledge to others as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yoga does not change, but the methods of presenting it and teaching styles change every 3-5 years. Therefore, the curriculum is updated every year in the light of past experience and new trends. All sorts of innovations are introduced and competences are expanded. For example, only this year the following programs were launched:
- A bachelor’s degree program for yoga teachers in the international Commonwealth of Universities that requires passing 9 qualifying exams.
- Training to teach yoga in English with deliverance of a diploma of American type.
- Introduction of blockchain technology with its own in-house currency – Pranacoin, by analogy with Bitcoin.
- Introduction of an artificial intelligence system into the core of the learning platform, which will significantly improve the quality of learning.
- The possibility to continue education after 208 weeks in postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Read more about IOYU innovations in the next article.
IOYU is a friendly environment, an adequate academic atmosphere, one of the oldest fundamental programs for yoga teachers in Russian and English, as well as the opportunity to continue studying the theory of yoga and treatises at the academic level using the most advanced technologies. With OpenYoga you can improve your body, develop a positive approach to life, become more energetic and successful, sharpen your mind, become more conscious, inspire and help others make their world more harmonious both outside and inside!
Come to IOYU to become a yoga together and study with like-minded people. Be happy!
Authors: Eva Rati
Photo from IOYU archive
Editors: Anna Prema, Olga Belous, Evgenia Lakshmi
Chief editor: Mirra
Project curator: Kerigona
Translators: Nat Satcitananda, Tatiana Sugrue, Alexander Vijaya