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ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: о Шавасане

Yoga has a magical method of relaxation — shavasana (rest pose). The Treatise of Hatha Yoga says: “Mastery in yoga is determined by the posture of Shavasana.” Relaxing in shavasana, we release muscular tension throughout the body, and the feeling

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: практика уединения

There always has been, is and will be the need for retreat. Since antiquity, people wanted to find something more valuable and important in their lives than the usual daily routine. There are always people who are looking for the

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: что такое ретрит?

Retreat means a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax. In yoga, this term is used to refer to spiritual practice with complete immersion. A retreat can be either solitary or with a group of like-minded

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: мир прикосновений

There are as many types of yoga as there are types of human activity. Nyasa Yoga is a branch of yoga working with our tactual sensibility. It is translated as “Yoga of touch sensations”. Nyasa yoga is very similar to

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Йога даёт нам силы!

Released power, first of all, goes for recovery of the body, and we feel the surge of energy and vivacity. And the stable emotional state, following this effect, lets us review our life and rebuild it in the right way,

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Опасно ли погружение в чувства?

Bhakti yoga gives the following answer: supreme logic never contradicts logic. To learn to trust the Universe, we need to constantly sharpen our minds. Otherwise, uncritical perception can be tricky.

Бхакти йога даёт следующий ответ: сверхлогика никогда не противоречит логике.

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Преодолеть эгоизм!

One of the most powerful tools to overcome our egoism is help other living beings. Sometimes, being overwhelmed with routine, we forget what it is — help others. The principle “The whole world owes me” makes our egoism even stronger.

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: тройной подход Бхакти-йоги

Bhakti yoga — the essence of implementing the triple approach: will expression, knowledge and action. A perfect Bhakti Yogi achieves liberation from all personal limitations and learns that there is no difference between the Higher Self and the Absolute. Show

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: что такое привычка?

Ancient treatise “The Narrative of Hatha yoga” states that the habit to practice yoga every day is the main criteria of success on the way to understanding yoga. But what do they mean by the word “habit”?
“A habit is

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: о пользе йоги для тела

Yoga exercises are extremely useful for the body, as they engage different types of muscles, work on joints and ligaments, provide the required daily load of physical exercises for the body that we lack in the modern lifestyle, and release

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: лечит ли йога?

Yoga cannot replace medicine. It is true that a lot of people, who regularly practice yoga notice improvement of health, positive changes in their shape, better sleep, resistance to stress, etc. But all these things are considered only bonuses from

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Что такое Прана?

According to Yoga, each of us has a Higher Self, which is absolutely free, Almighty and All-knowing. It manifests itself in cosmosphere as Prana. The word Prana translated from Sanskrit means “breath” or “life”. It is also called “vitality”. In

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Крия йога

From the ancestors of humanity we have got a great amount of methods to activate and recover our bodies and feel the vivacity and the flow of vital force. One of these methods is Kriya Yoga. In our language ‘kriya’

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Гармония в теле!

Using physical exercises yoga helps to keep the body in harmony and to reach the next level in self-knowledge. Yoga teachers pass the tradition of leading healthy lifestyle through the ages. Men and women trained hard their bodies to feel

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: разум – под контроль!

Every our thought has consequences in the real life. Forgetting about the importance of thoughts in our head, we admit uncontrollable emotions, reactions and events in our life. With time we can notice, that we don’t like what is happening

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: невосполнимый ресурс

Time is an extremely valuable resource in our life. However, do we always realize its pricelessness? What does it take to spend time effectively, making it the most beneficial for ourselves and for the rest of the world? There are

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: появление йоги

If we study ancient texts of India then there the appearance of yoga is associated as the knowledge given to people by Shiva – the supreme God of Hindu tradition, representing the primary Creator of the Universe.

Появление йоги исследователи

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: о наших проявлениях

Usually what we think of ourselves is not what we really are. We can associate ourselves with our aspects: the physical body, emotions, moods, thoughts, social status. But this is not the Higher Self. This is just a manifestation of

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: всемогущество Высшего Я!

Yoga teaches us that our Higher Self is omnipotent, omniscient and free. However, as our Higher Self considers itself the manifestations: the body, the thoughts and the emotions, it suffers, has fears and weaknesses. Yoga recommends us to remember about

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Бхакти-йога

Bhakti yoga is a very “subtle” yoga. It tells us that behind all true beauty lies the manifestation of some higher principle of the Universe, which is called the Absolute, God, The Supreme, etc. We gravitate to where we grasp

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Йога – для женщин?

Yoga rejects sexual, age-related, national, religious or any other differentiation of people. Yoga is for everyone! And everyone can find their own yoga. There are just fashionable trends. There were times when only men could practice yoga. Now we can

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: Ньяса-йога

It is important for the person doing Nyasa to feel the body of another person as his/her own, and perform nyasa in such a way as you would like it to be done for yourself. It is necessary to feel

ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: ассоциативные связи

«Our spontaneous reaction, our negative state of mind, our physical and emotional feelings depend on our associative links, on the way our channels are formed and on the way our Prana goes through them” Vadim Openyoga

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ЦИТАТА ДНЯ: хорошие привычки

When we practice yoga we can influence the associative links from both the subtle level (our thoughts and emotions) to the physical level (our physical body) and from the physical to the subtle. Therefore, we break our old inappropriate associative